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Construction Law

I&D founded its Construction Department (“CLD”) in 2019.
CLD specializes in all legal matters related to the construction industry. We provide support in the risk assessment, the contract design, the procurement strategies, project financing, project execution support as well as dispute avoidance strategies and dispute resolution.

CLD has entered into a strategic cooperation with a major international construction European law firm. It has a strategic cooperation relationship with a major construction consultancy company located in Egypt. This brings industry familiarity, which allows for a better ability to provide legal solutions.

Through its capabilities and that of its strategic partners, it provides a seamless sharing of ideas, technical legal innovation combined with an outlook on technological advancements.

We aim to shape the construction industry by constantly developing new contracting concepts and structures to meet our client’s needs and demands. CLD focuses on both the public and private sectors to maximize the services it offers to its clients.

That way, when representing clients, we gain multiple perspectives which in turn help us in providing a multifaceted and cohesive approach to our client base. CLD is headed by Laila B. Elibrachy. She works under the supervision of Dr. Bahieldin H. Elibrachy